All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience. ~ Henry Miller
Could Have Had It All
B Healy
I get temporarily popular every time a celebrity overdoses, suicides, or runs into some sort of ditch. Given my therapy background, people want to hear my attempt to explain such behavior. With Whitney Houston’s death, the question seems to be a three-parter: Why couldn’t she 1) kick that Bobby Brown aside, 2) get clean and sober and stay that way, and 3) get back to singing like she was supposed to?
is an angry question lurking just below: How could she have a gift like that
voice and squander it?
As I
sit here I contend with dueling earworms. With Whitney singing, “I will always love
you…” and Adele belting, “We could have had it all…” it’s hard to think. But
I’ll take a crack at it. MORE . . .
Echoes of Marian Hall (Part Two)
Ellie Searl
I arrived home at four. The twenty-eight mile
drive from Marian Hall hadn’t erased my agitation. Katie hugged my knees; her world of joy reminded
me of normal.
“So, how was it?” Ed asked. “Do you love it there?”
“Where to start,” I said. “Do we have any wine?”
After an hour of relating my day, Ed had it
all figured out. “So these are troubled girls from dysfunctional homes who do
something bad, go to court, get sent to live with other troubled girls from
dysfunctional homes all in the same colorless, cinder blocked, stinky-bathroomed,
linoleum-floored, musty-furnitured room of a dead-bolted apartment inside a
locked institution surrounded by a chain link fence and watched over by a bunch
of nuns who patrol the building clattering keys around their waists.” He took a chicken out of the fridge and
rinsed it under the faucet. “Now that’s
living.” He slapped the chicken onto the
cutting board. “What, exactly, did you expect?” MORE . . .